Monday, April 13, 2009

The past few weeks have been a complete whirlwind of education concerning what I was brought into this world to be: a writer, a feminist, a lover of God, a lover of myself and a champion for the weak.
Whenever you're ready for me, God, I'm ready as well.
I'm in the last leg of the most amazing book; I just recently finished one weeks earlier, and it is equally amazing. The already finished book, entitled Cunt: A Declaration of Independence, has got to be one of the most freeing books I have ever read. I now approach myself, and my womanhood, with such respect and awe that I feel like ignoring the precious prize of being a woman would be a sin against God Him(Her?)self. It's strange to say, but I now look at life almost completely through my own personal "cunt lens," approaching each and every occurrence in its relationship to womanhood and cunt power.
My entire life has been a dress rehearsal for reading that book.
And what makes me believe destiny's call is my accidental traipse into another feminist literary triumph, assigned to me in one of my classes. The book, called Living Water, gives literary life to the biblical story of Jesus and the woman at the well, and simultaneously gives life to my burgeoning feminist whims. If I had only read Cunt alone, without the added oomph of the other book, I might have assumed that I just had the fortune to come across a great work of womanly literature. However, falling into the second book without warning is what has convinced me that this, being strong and resilient and unyielding and positive and negative and a great writer and a loving daughter and a trusted ally and a FEMINIST, is what God put me on this soil for.

It's time to get to work.

When I was young I was sure of everything; in a few years, having been mistaken a thousand times, I was not half so sure of most things as I was before; at present, I am hardly sure of anything but what God has revealed to me.
John Wesley

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